Words by Jake Cooper
The team’s growing Rachel from accounts is sat on the windowsill because, well she likes natural light and with just the right amount of force the small filing cabinet will just about close. Sure there’s no space for everyone to sit down and it would be nice to have a little extra space but is it worth the hassle of moving when Gary can do his sales calls from those neat little cubicles in the men’s loos.
If this is you and you have finally taken the plunge and got yourself a bigger office space then congratulations, it’s an exciting time however, now you have the space for everyone to sit down and maybe even have a private meeting or call it’s time to think about the design of your space. A well-designed office can massively impact the productivity and creativity of your employees as well as making you the flyest place to work in whatever affordable workspace you have chosen to hang your hat.
It’s been pretty well documented over the last few years that bringing employees back into the office is proving to be a bit of a battle. One of the ways that will help to drag those pyjama dwellers back to the office without them kicking and screaming is to create an environment that feels desirable to work in but also hangout in.
So where to start, The first thing to consider is orientation of your desks. The key thing here is to think about collaboration, who needs to work with who and when, think about who the noisy people or teams are and place them away from the teams or people who need quiet time. If you have a compact office and you need somewhere for a salesperson to make lots of calls then you could consider a phone booth. Get this right first time and you will find the office a much more cohesive place and your life will be much easier.